3 Key Steps to Product Development with a Licensed Product

3 key steps to product development with a licensed product

I personally worked directly on developing new products with some of the toughest license’s in the business. I guess you could call it a sort of badge of courage. I have worked with Star Wars, Lucas Film and Licensing, Pixar, D&D, Magic, Cranium, Hasbro and Disney. These licensed properties tend to be very complex and rich with details. The world building involved in many of these brands have with stood the test of time. resistance to fads and fashion. In long running properties such as Star Wars you can see how society trends, technology and evolution has changed the look and the feel of the product. A licensed is an amazing person who has to have

7 Steps to product development with lean design

This chart is an excellent tool that defines the circularity of the six sigma process. This information can be applied to any phase of the product development process. Pillar Product Design often uses these sets of principles when developing new products for our clients. Following these steps up front will improve and optimize both time, product cost and resources allocation when developing complex multi-phase projects.  Step 1:  Define the product.Step 2:  Establish product line optimization team.Step 3:  Determine your target cost.Step 4:  Translate requirements into specifications.Step 5:  Design at a system level.Step 6:  Design at a detailed Level.Step 7:  (3) P Product preparation process.

Product Development for the Chuggington toy train project

Pillar Product Design is working with a local creative group to develop components for a new assets for the Chuggington train line. The Chuggington brand is owned by Disney and has really amazing success with the 4 to 8 year old age grades. The Disney portfolio for the Chuggington line is extensive: TV shows, Magazines, DVD sets, books, toys and iphone games. Pillar is very excited to team up with this creative group on such a popular and amazing brand of products. The Pillar team services for this project includes: 3D CAD design,  world class product development, industrial design, prototyping and project management services.   http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/rc2s-learning-curver-brands-launches-chuggingtontm-toy-line-in-international-markets-81469177.html

Key product design & development steps for your new product or idea.

•Step 1 Come up with a great new idea for something that can be marketed. For instance, you may have an idea for a new watch face, or an idea for how peanut butter could be smoother. •Step 2 Make sure your idea can become either an actual product or design, or a process. If you have an idea for a new watch face, this would be a design. If you have an idea for making peanut butter smoother, you could develop a process. •Step 3 Determine the steps for getting your idea from an idea to the product/design or process. If

iphone G3 solidworks native file

I as recently searching for complete Solid Works 3D models for the Apple products. I came across an amazing data base of parts that allows you to download for free. I obtained a full 3D model of the iPhone 3D. I know you can purchase it off of Turbo Squid for $70 to 125 bucks, but if you developing systems that need to fit all major apple or hand held devices the costs to have these surfaced models can be extensive. On average these models run anywhere from $45 to as high as $135 per model. I found a site that has many of these devices for free including full SW